Dev Journal
Trevor Guo
New Webpage
September 10, 2023
I’m making a new website b/c I think my old one doesn’t look that great. I saw a lot of crazy websites, but I think I’m just gonna go for a simple design. 

I’m heavily influenced by this site I saw featured on a YouTube video reviewing portfolio sites. I enjoy the minimalism, and it doesn’t do too much like incorporating a video game or have a ton of fancy graphics and animations. I like the cover page and how a few projects are listed after scrolling down.

Though I also thought it would be a great idea to include a dev journal. This way I can keep track of all the changes I make, thoughts on software development, and keep myself somewhat accountable to growing my skills. It would also be good to be able to look back on how much I’ve improved/learned.

Tech Stuff:
For the site, I decided to revamp it by utilizing Notion as a Content Management System(CMS). This way I could update the site without actually needing to update the HTML like I did with my previous site. It’s cumbersome to write lines into a file and cluttering it with irrelevant content. This also lets update my site whenever and wherever I want!

I spent most of my time today setting up the site. I was able to get to displaying this post! I also learned TailwindCSS, and I think it’s a really nice way to quickly write code. I know inline CSS is generally frowned, but after reading The Grug Brained Developer, I think this is better because the CSS is close to the div it’s changing. (Locality of Behavior)