Trevor Guo

I worked 12 weeks in Summer 2023 at SoFi Technologies Inc. as a Software Engineer Intern. I was part of the debit card team, and worked to create a system that would automatically perform end-to-end system validation on the team's PayIn4 service. For this project, I learned how to develop code in Kotlin with Spring Boot, and I was also able to leverage my previous experience with DynamoDB. I also utilized Optimizely for feature flag rollout, and Kibana and DataDog for production data analytics.

I worked 14 weeks in Summer 2022 at Amazon as a Software Development Engineer Intern. I was part of the Amazon Prime team that handles the benefit eligibility of Prime customers. My project focused on creating Lambda functions to record and query the enrollment history of prime customers. I had to learn many of the featured AWS products, primarily AWS Lambda, DynamoDB, SNS, API Gateway, and CloudFormation.
APA Health Fair Call Assigner

I created a Python script for the APA(Asian Pacific American) Health Fair that would match their patients with customer relations officers for post-fair follow up calls. The algorithm creates matches based on the language proficiencies of the customers and officers in order to ensure smooth communication. This script eliminates over 2 hours of manual matching per month.
Treasure Tracker

This was a hackathon project I worked on with my friends at IdeaHacks 2022. This hardware hackathon had an outdoors theme, and we decided to recreate Jack Sparrow’s compass from Pirates of the Caribbean, which points to the holder’s deepest desires, rather than magnetic north(wiki article if you’re interested in the lore). It was kind of hard to figure out how to read people’s deepest desires, so we adapted the compass to store waypoints that could later be renavigated to with the click of a button. While map apps are generally better, our compass works better in areas with limited cell service where you cannot download the image of the map to know where you are. For example, while camping you can make waypoints for the campsite, and nearby points of interests such as streams and trailheads. I primarily worked on the software of the compass and controlling which way the needle should point. This was challenging as I was working remotely, and had to calibrate the magnetometer within the compass from 100 miles away.

This was another hackathon project I worked on with my friends during BruinLabs 2021. This 8-week hackathon was more entrepreneurship/start-up oriented, and focused on product ideation rather than the creation of a minimum viable product. To challenge ourselves, we went the full length of the development cycle and created a physical shaker device and a companion app Budgie that would help young musicians practice rhythm. The shaker would connect via Bluetooth to a companion app that would display a rhythm, then the musician would play the rhythm on the shaker, and receive feedback on how accurately they played. For this project, I was both the project manager and software lead. As the project manager I created timelines, led scrum meetings, and ensured we would meet the milestone deadlines of the hackathon. As the software lead, I spearheaded the creation of the companion app, and created skeleton code so that others were able to focus on their individual projects and not worry about their integration. I also created the Bluetooth algorithm that would communicate the rhythm played on the shaker to the companion app.